Why is your hand there?

Good Friends!

Party Maker & Cornmans

Hello! Down here!


Mingle time

The princess & two gents

Taking a load off

Too cute!

The ladies!

Raffel & Diana

Our Little D!!

Still cute!

Should have taken a shower?

Sisters & their BOs

Do we have to do this?

Oh! Yum!

Where is my piece?

Wating for cake!

That was good! Seconds?

The ringer!

Hector Vs. Diana

Hector wins!

Hector Vs. Nick

Your going down Hector!

Okay a new stick will do it!

Nick wins with a TKO!

Morrie & Joel jammin!

Almost all of Face Value

Sean & Shelly chillin!

I am pooped!

Mary Beth, Hondo, Little D

The morning after!

I am pooped too!